For 6th-12th Graders. Provides a place where teens can figure out who they are in relationship to their Creator. We provide a relaxed atmosphere where young people can share from their hearts, and they can learn how much God loves them and what he has planned for their lives. Mifflinburg Assembly Youth meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm where we have worship, games, and the Word of God. Other activities on the calendar are All-nighters, Laser-tag, Game & Pizza nights & more!
Details & signup in the foyer
- Video Game Tournaments
- Nerf War
- Water Warz
- Bowling nights
You can find more up-to-date events on the Mifflinburg Assembly Youth Facebook page.
VELOCITY sponsors Nathan, through Haven of Hope. Nathan is 6 years old and lives in Uganda. Our sponsorship provides Nathan with a christian education, daily meals and medical care. It’s only $35 a month from our entire youth group. If you want to contribute we’ll be taking an offering every Wednesday night (See Nathan’s latest letter BELOW).
You can find a 1-time permission slip (BELOW) that is required for all special youth events.